
other evidence.

MR. FORD: So the reason you're denying my instruction is because you're going to allow the State to make an argument that this witness is wrong. You're going to allow them to make that argument to the jury.


MR. FORD: Your Honor, based on that I renew my motion for severance.

THE COURT: Denied.

MR. DAVIDSON: Are you ready to proceed, Your Honor?



I saw the three boys that afternoon over at Weaver about 5:15. Over by Weaver and I went home after that and talked to a neighbor there. I found out the boys were missing as soon as I got back home and took L.G. home. Shelia Joy came over there. I don't remember if I had already been to Highland, or came back from Highland when she told me the boys were missing . (TR 2097) I recall writing a letter to Jessie Misskelley, Senior. I told him in the letter that I had saw Jessie that Wednesday evenin' at 6:30, toward seven, somewhere in that time. It only takes me about ten minutes to get to my house, but I was wrong, cause I had went over there Thursday. I don't remember the date I wrote the letter. I went over there to talk to him. I don't remember what month and year that was. (TR 2098) As I thought about each day, and what I


did on those days, and the children refreshed my memory too. They said, mother, that was on Thursday that we saw him. It was a long time after the prosecutor had talked with me about this. I wrote the letter after he had been picked up, I don't remember when he was picked up. I was thinking that it was Wednesday when I saw him. Me and my family got together and talked about this. I realized it was Thursday. I recall when I gave the statement to the (TR 2099) police. The 9th or 10th of May. It was sometime before Jessie Misskelley was arrested. I talked with them later. I never went to Mr. Fogleman's office and talked to him about it. The Police came to me most of the time. The Ford Escort that I passed Dominique and Damien in is red. When I passed them they did not wave to me (TR 2100). They would have recognized the car because Dominique lives in the same park that I did. Dominique saw me in that car everyday. I am about the only one around there with a red Ford Escort that I know of. I can see a calendar that starts in May of 1993, and goes to January of 1994. Looking at that does not help me determine when I may have changed my mind about seeing Jessie cause I don't remember. (TR 2101) I remember it was May or June, probably in June. I didn't know the boys were even involved in anything like that until June. I can't remember when in June I may have seen that, or recalled that. Damien had never driven my car. (TR 2102)