All of the files are .ram files. They can be played with RealPlayer, which can be downloaded for free at the website.
Segment A - right-click and save as (1.71 megabytes) Segment B - right-click and save as (2.49 megabytes) Segment C - right-click and save as (1.39 megabytes) Segment D - right-click and save as (1.51 megabytes) Segment E - right-click and save as (2.74 megabytes) Segment F - right-click and save as (1.06 megabytes) Segment G - right-click and save as (2.09 megabytes) Segment H - right-click and save as (2.29 megabytes) Segment I - right-click and save as (2.65 megabytes)