[End of session of August
13, 2009, BMHR 2275. The beginning of the session of August 14, 2009 is on the
same page.



I am a retired teacher and current artist. I taught for 23 years at Marion High
School, two years at East Tennessee State University, and several years elsewhere
as well. (BMHR 2276-77).
I was at Marion High School from 1979 to 2002. I was working there fulltime
in 1992 and 1993. I taught high school art.
Marion High School had about 600 students there at that time. The school
day was organized into 7 periods. It started at 8:05 and ran until 3:15. Each class
period was 50 to 55 minutes.
I taught 6 of the 7 periods. One of the students I had in my class in the
spring of 1993 was Jason Baldwin. I recognize him here in the courtroom. He was
in my sixth period class, which met from around 1:20 to 2:15. I took attendance
every day by calling a student’s name. The attendance record was in the grade

book. If anyone had wanted to check a student’s attendance, you could have gone
to a teacher’s book and have seen whether or not a particular class was attended.
(BMHR 2279).
Jason had been in other classes of mine in the two prior years. I remember
Jason as well-mannered, very polite, always respectful, nice and kind. Jason was a
regular attendee of my class. I would say he was there 85 to 90 percent of the time.
I remember hearing about the killings of the three boys in West Memphis. I
was in the art room at Marion High School teaching a night class. I recall a
discussion about the killings that night. (BMHR 2280).
I recall that Jason continued to attend school after the killings. I remember
the week in which the matters occurred. There had been an art exhibit on May
2nd, and he was in class Monday, May 3rd and throughout the week. He was there
every day “without a doubt and without question.” (BMHR 2281). He helped me
take down the art exhibit that Monday. He was happy because he had received an
I never observed anything unusual about Jason’s behavior after the killings.
His behavior did not change in any way.
Jason continued to attend my class regularly until the end of the school year.
(BMHR 2282).

I recall that the information I had received about the three boys was that they
had been bound and murdered in Robin Hood Woods and that one of them had
been mutilated.
I recall no reason to suspect that any of my students had been involved. At
one point I recall that they made an announcement of the people who had been
arrested. There was a public announcement that Jason Baldwin was one of the
people arrested.
After that I was never contacted by any law enforcement personnel. I was
never contacted by any of the defense lawyers either. I knew other teachers who
had had contact with Jason. As far as I know, none of the other teachers had any
contact with law enforcement or with the defense lawyers either. (BMHR 2285-
Anyone who had contacted these people could have gotten attendance
records, and could have found out about Jason’s behavior.


As far as I know, Jason lived in a trailer park. His family did not have a lot
of the same kinds of opportunities that my other students had. I was always
impressed with him because of his manners and the way he treated other people. I
never had to use any discipline with him.

I knew who he hung out with as far as my classes were concerned. I also
knew that he was interested in painting and that he listened to music. (BMHR
Jason was a smart guy. He could figure things out. I was unaware that he
had a Juvenile record.