Brit Alan Smith
W/M XX-XX-80
809 N. 14th 7th grade
West Memphis, Ar

13 May 93

Case Doc#004261

Ryan Clark(Byers) called me about 8:30 P.M. on Wed. May 5, 1993 and told me that Chris Byers, Michael Moore and Steve Branch were missing. I told him I'd help look for them so my Mom, Ritchey Masters and Robbie Young and I all left to go look for them.
Ritchey and I got in his car and we went to the entrance by 14th St. After about 10 or 15 minutes later, Ryan and I went into the entrance by the concrete slabs. We'd been in there about 10 min. around 9:00 P.M. or a little after and we heard a big splash, like a big slab of rock being thrown in the water and it made waves in the water where we were. About a minute or two later, we heard another splash and we were calling Chris. Ryan was saying "Chris, if that is you, it's not a funny game". The second splash was about the same as the first and I was watching the waves. It was like rocks
(#00462) hitting the water. We started calling Chris again and Ryan told me if I heard another splash to turn around and start walking out of the woods and when we got across a little ditch, to start running. I then heard the third splash and I turned around and started walking, then we ran out.
I had a small mag light and I heard the splashes. We ran out around Goodwin St. and ran around to the entrance by the pipe. When we got to the pipe, we stood there for about 5 minutes with some people from the white house, then Ritchey and Robbie came around to where we were. We talked to them for a few minutes, then went over the pipe. Ritchey and Robbie had heard gunshots and said that meant they weren't wanted in there so we just crossed the pipe, went up the steep hill and looked around.
We were there about 5 minutes, then left. We never went across the chute. We came back to the white house and the (#004263) officer showed up and we checked some vacant houses and did the playground at Mayfair.
We stayed out until about 1:00(AM) o'clock looking for the boys, then went home. I stayed home from school the next day and helped Ryan look for Chris.

Sgt. M.M. Kesterson