On Thursday night on June 3, 1993 at approximately 8:30 or 9 p.m., I detective Charlie Dabbs, Detective Tony Anderson from the West Memphis Police Department and Sergeant Tankersley with the Crittenden County Sheriff's Office, after obtaining a Consent To Search form signed by Jessie Misskelley, escorted Jessie Misskelley and his wife to their residence.
We went in and secured the residence until the search and evidence team arrived. While sitting in their living room for approximately two hours, and during conversation Mr. and Mrs. Misskelley talked about different incidents. During the conversation, Mrs. Misskelley got to talking about how Jessie Jr. was waking her up at night crying and having nightmares. Every time she went into his room he would be crying hysterically and he would tell her it was because his girlfriend was moving away. She told us it happened a number of times, and that she could not believe his girlfriends' moving would cause that kind of hysterical behavior, but that little Jessie had been acting strange.

Det. Charlie Dabbs