OFFENSE: Triple Homicide


COMP#___CF# 93-05-0666 DATE: 5-20-93 PG 1 of 2

Myself and Inspector Gitchell interviewed Dixie Hufford at her residence. She reported that L.G. Hollingsworth came to the Laundry where she works on 5-5-93 in a small light colored car and asked her for Domini's number. This occured at about 9:00 to 9:30P.M. Dixie stated that Narlene and Ricky Hollingsworth picked her up from work at a few minutes before 10:00P.M. that night and took her home.
Dixie came to work later and Linda Hollingsworth came in asking about where L.G. had been during the evening on 5-5-93. When Dixie told her of him coming in to the laundry in the small car she asked if she was sure that it wasn't Richard Simpson's car. Dixie stated that she knew Richard's car and that it was not his.
Dixie stated that she feels that Damien does control Domini and that she is fearful for her.
Dixie stated that she believed Domini was at home sick that day and that Domini's mom was home.

Doc# 003358

PG 2 of 2

Dixie stated that she does not like Damien and that Jack Echols is his stepfather and Joe Hutchison is Damien's real father.
Dixie knows Jason Baldwin and knows that Damien and Jason are very close friends.
Dixie feels that Domini's mom knows some things but won't tell because of her fear for Domini.
Dixie stated that we need to talk to Linda Hollingsworth but for us to know that she believes she will lie to protect L.G.
Dixie believed that L.G. had on a white shirt and tie that night he came to the laundry.

B. Ridge

Doc# 003359