Kelin: Yes, sir, I do.

The Court: Have a seat.

Fogleman: Would you state your name and occupation for the jury?

Kelin: My name is Scott Kelin and I’m the manager of the Blue Beacon truck wash, uh, that the bodies were found behind.

Fogleman: Ok. Mr. Kelin, at the present time and on May the fifth, 1993, what were the hours of operation of Blue Beacon?

Kelin: Blue Beacon is open 24 hours a day. Except for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year we do close.

Fogleman: Now, are there, how many employees are on duty at any given time?

Kelin: Between eight and ten.

Fogleman: And is that 24 hours also, or is that--

Kelin: No, during the midnight to eight shift, we only have two employees on at that time.

Fogleman: All right, but up until midnight you have eight to ten?

Kelin: Normally, yes.

Fogleman: All right. And, do truckers wash their own trucks or who washes the trucks?

Kelin: We do all the service for them.

Fogleman: What are the lighting conditions around Blue Beacon?

Kelin: We have some lights supplied by the city, we have other lights that we now rent from them, which are 400-watt floodlights, and since—in fact, since this incident we’ve added approximately --

Fogleman: Let’s talk about at the time.

Kelin: At the time, we had--I believe we had two of them on the west side of the building. One maybe two in back, and four in the front.

Fogleman: I don’t have any further questions.

Ford: Just a minute, Mr. Kelin. I’m going to give you a map so you can look at.

Kelin: Sure.

Ford: Would you step down please, sir. Show the jury, if you would take this blue marker and circle the business that you manage. All right. Ok. Now, thank you. Now, if you would, at May fifth, would you put a little small x or dot each place you had a floodlight. You’re gonna have to do a little bigger than that, cause we can’t see that. Ok.

Kelin: That’s from memory.

Ford: Ok, thanks that’s very helpful. Now, on May the fifth, was there a fence to separate your parking lot from the woods?

Kelin: No, there was not.

Ford: No fence?

Kelin: No fence.

Ford: So, if this was the drive-thru, is that right? Is that fair, is that where the drive-thru was?

Kelin: Sure.

Ford: There was no fence from here to here?

Kelin: No, there was not.

Ford: Thank you, you can retake the stand. Were you working the night of May the fifth?

Kelin: Depending on what you mean by night. I was there, well --

Ford: What time do you go home?

Kelin: That night I left around, my normal time of five or six although I did have to come back to do some equipment maintenance.

Ford: And what time did you come back?

Kelin: Seven.

Ford: Ok, and what time did you leave?

Kelin: Between nine and ten.

Ford: Ok. How many employees did you have there that night between twelve and eight?

Kelin: two.

Ford: Ok. And do you have any records of how many vehicles or trucks were washed that night between those hours?

Kelin: Yes, I do.

Ford: And do you know how many were washed that night?

Kelin: If-- I don’t have the information with me, I could find out, I do not know at this time.

Ford: Ok, and how many of the employees does it take to wash one of the trucks? Take both of them?

Kelin: It would take both of them, yes

Ford: Ok, so if a truck’s being washed between twelve o’clock and midnight, between twelve o’clock at midnight and sunrise the following morning, both employees would be inside washing the trucks?

Kelin: That’s correct.

Ford: Ok. Do y’all have security guards?

Kelin: No, not right now.

Ford: No one’s out there patrolling the premises to see if there’s anybody else up there?

Kelin: No, there’s not.

Ford: Ok. Pass the witness.

Price: No questions.

Fogleman: Nothing further.

The Court: You’re free to go, thank you.


Fogleman: Your Honor, I've got one more, but I think it would take some time.

The Court: Alright, ladies and gentlemen, with the usual admonition not to discuss the case, you may stand in recess until one o'clock.