Misskelley Trial - Volume 1 - Pleadings Index

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1: Information (Steve Edward Branch)

2: Information (Christopher Byers)

3: Information (Michael Moore)

4: Information (Steve Edward Branch)

5: Warrant Of Arrest

6: Letter From Municipal Clerk

7: Information For Arrest Warrant

8: Information For Arrest Warrant

9: Information For Arrest Warrant

10: Warrant Of Arrest

11: Letter From Municipal Clerk

12: Warrant Of Arrest

13: Information (christopher Byers)

14: Capias CR-93-516A

15: Capias CR-93-517A

16: Capias CR-93-518A

17-20: Motion For Discovery

21-23: Motion For Discovery

24-25: Capias CR-93-516A With Sheriff's Return

26-27: Capias CR-93-517A With Sheriff's Return

28-29: Capias CR-93-518A With Sheriff's Return

30-32: Defendant's Response To State's Motion For Discovery

33: Order

34-39: Petition For Change Of Venue

40-41: Motion To Suppress

42-43: Motion In Limine And For Disclosure

44-45: Motion For Court Reporter To Make A Stenographic Record Of All Oral Proceedings Had In This Cause

46-47: Brief In Support Of Motion For Court Reporter To Make A Stenographic Record Of All Oral Proceedings Had In This Cause

48-49: Motion For Judge To Reduce Jury Charge To wWiting

50-51: Brief In Support Of Motion For Judge To Reduce Jury Charge To wWiting

52-54: Motion Of defendant For Separate And Individual Questioning Of Jurors

55-56: Order

57-59: Amended Petition For Change Of Venue And Motion Challenging Constitutionality Of Arkansas Venue Laws

60-62: Response To Petition And Amended Petition For Change Of Venue

63-64: Motion For Joinder Of Offenses

65-78: Brief In Support Of Petition For Change Of Venue And Amended Petition For Change Of Venue And Motion Challenging Constitutionality Of Arkansas Venue Law
79: Exhibit A
80: Exhibit B
81-109: Exhibit C
110-118: Exhibit D
119: Exhibit E
120: Exhibit F
121: Exhibit G
122: Exhibit H
123: Exhibit I
124: Exhibit J
125: Exhibit K

126-141: Affidavits In Support Of Petition For Change Of Venue

142-143: Motion Of Memphis Publishing Company To Intervene

144-145: Memorandum In Support Of Motion Of Memphis Publishing Company To Intervene

146-153: Memorandum In Opposition To Defendant Charles Jason Baldwin's Motion For Court Documents To Be Filed Under Seal

154-157: Attorney General's Entry Of Appearance and State Of Arkansas' Memorandum Regarding The Payment Of Indigent Defense Fees

158-159: Motion Of Evening Times To Intervene

160-231: Affidavits

232-233: Motion

234-235: Motion To Produce Witness List And Exhibits List

236-237: Motion For Assistance Of Experts

238-239: Order

240-246: Affidavit

247-250: Amended Motion To Suppress

251-253: Motion

254-255: Motion To Transfer To Juvenile Court

256-257: Motion In Limine To Exclude Finding Of Voluntariness By The Court In The Event Motion To Suppress Statements Of Defendant Is Denied

258-261: Defendant's Motion For Extension Of Time To File Motions

262-265: Motion to take depositions of interrogating officers

266-270: Motion to compel disclosure of discovery information

271-275: Brief in support of motion to take depositions of interrogating officers

276-278: Brief in response to motion to takr depositions of interrogating officers

279-287: Attorney General's brief

288-293: Memorandum brief of Crittenden County, Arkansas, in opposition to being compelled to pay attorney's fees

294-299: Memorandum brief of Crittenden County, Arkansas, in opposition to being compelled to pay attorney's fees

300-301: Motion to prohibit the state from imposing the death penalty against the defendant due to mental retardation

302-304: Order

309-310: Letter

311-313: Order

314-315: Order

316: Order

317-318: Letter

319-321: Defendant's second motion to compel disclosure of discovery information and second motion to conduct the depositions of interrogating officers

322-325: Motion challenging constiutionality of Arkansas code annotated section 16-89-11(d)

326: Order

327-329: Defendant's amended response to state's motion for discovery
Exhibits; 330-342 Report of Warren D. Holmes
;343-352: Potential Defense Witnesses
;353: Defense Exhibit List

354-362: Motion

363: Letter

364-366: Motion in limine

367-371: Motion in limine to exclude photographs

372-374: Defendant's second amended response to state's motion for discovery

375-376: Petition for attendance of witness from without the state in criminal cases

377-378: Order for attendance of witness from without the state in a criminal case

379-384: Brief on admission of polygraph evidence

385-421: Hearing brief on the law in support of the defendant's motion to suppress and amended motion to suppress

422-430: Motion and amended brief on admission of polygraph evidence at trial

431-432: Order

433-434: Order

435-436: Order

437: Order

438-442: Verdict forms

445: Judgment and commitment order

446-462: Motion

463-466: Motion for new trial

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