Diane Ramsey

1. 1120 W.E. Catt Vacant house [check] by 259
2. Boys Club area and Old Warehouse No. Mo. Unit 215
3. By Bayou at Ross & Forrest Park area [check] by 278
4. Goodin & 14 ditch bank - [check] by 259
5. Southland area Search -Rescue
6. 226 [check] w/student's at Weaver Elm.
7. 217 [check] airport area
8. 252-204 [check] Service Road near Flash Market and under Mo. Str. Overpass area
9. Search & Rescue putting Boat in rear Southland down ditch bank
10. 233 Pumping Station - S. McAuley
11. Field Bottom of W.E. Catt/230
12. 1208 S. McAuley/215
13. Bill's Grill [check] 233
14. 245 [check] 77 [ ] Afco Rd
15. On 4 wheeler [check E. of dog track to 7th
16. [check] Bayou at end of Stuart [check] by 230
17. 233 & 226 [check] with Jeff Sereal at Maddox rel. to a house he saw 3 boys go into.

p. 2

17. Air 2 Mphs. here for Search
18. Mo. Side Ser. Rd. near Amomoco foot prints in mud - 279
19. Air 2 [check] woods So. of Dogtrack and the Krystal Adv. Sign.
20. 254 [check] area of Mayfair apts on foot
21. 250 [check] Walmart-Shopping way area
22. 260 Tilden Roofers area
23. [check] area W. of Int. near Harvard Yard 1 mile of int. - cut to Wynne. [check] a camping area, Bristol Rd.
24. 251 - R.R. Track, Bayou between 7-Mo.
254 [check] game rooms at Truck Stops
25. 215 [check] Lakeshore
26. 267 [check] Park & Worthington Ave
27. Search & Rescue [check] all they know of stop for a while - 12:30 p.m.
28. Grn. Pup tent So. of Lakeshore 250 [check] in woods
29. W. McAuley - Robin Hood area near ditch - clothes -
226 - need camera camcorder

Ark/B7536 stop. Red Trk