(p. 1185) (Cross-examination of Mr. Misskelley, Sr.)

A: Well, ah, yeah, that’s when they come up missing.
Q: That’s the same day that you say you have such a graphic memory because that is the first day you attended DWI class, right?

MR. STIDHAM: Your Honor, if he’s going to impeach him using a television interview, could he at least tell the jury what the date of the interview was?
MR. DAVIS: I’m asking him about the prior statement.
THE COURT: Go ahead.

A: The statement had to have been made after June third.
Q: It had to have been made after your son was arrested, correct?
A: That’s right.
Q: Everybody knew he was arrested for murders that occurred on May 5th?
A: Correct.
Q: And you say that May 5th was the day that stood out in your mind?
A: I know that was when I was in DWI school.
Q: But yet after - - days after your son’s arrest, you’re telling people on television that he could have been there - -
A: That was before I started investigating it myself. Nobody (p. 1186) else would.
Q: Was that before Stephanie Dollar started going around handing out police reports to people in Lakeshore Park - - Highland Park?
A: Police reports?
Q: Yes.
A: No.
Q: Have you talked with any of these witnesses that testified here today about time frames, where they were on May 5th, what was going on?
A: No.
Q: You have not discussed with them what their testimony was going to be about where they were, where they may have seen Jessie on May 5th?
A: All I told them was tell the truth.
Q: You haven’t discussed any details with them.
A: No, I have not.
Q: And that is as true as everything else you have testified to?
A: That’s right.
Q: You are a convicted felon, correct?
A: Am I on trial here?

MR. DAVIS: Your Honor, would you ask the witness to answer the question?
THE COURT: Just answer the question yes or no.

(p. 1187)
A: That’s right.
Q: How many other times besides May 6th did you attend DWI school during the month of May?
A: If you will look again, it was May 5th.
Q: May 5th. How many other times besides May 5th did you attend DWI school?
A: I attended the whole month of May.
Q: How many times?
A: Four times.
Q: During that time period, do you remember anything specific about the other three occasions? Did you get out early on those times?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Every time?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Remember what time?
A: No, sir, I don’t remember what time but it was out early every time. We stayed at least an hour or sometime an hour and fifteen minutes, hour and a half.