STATEMENT OF: Tony Hodges DATE: 6/23/93

I, Tony Hodges, saw Damien the last time about 4 or 5 months ago at the bowling alley with Jason Baldwin.
I heard from Garrot Schwarting that Damien was into Satan
worshipping, so I quit speaking to him. Schwarting also told
me that Damiens girlfriend, Domini, was pregnant and that
the baby would be sacrificed. I have known of Damien since the beginning of the 1991 school year. He went to Marion school then.
After Baldwin met Damien his drawings changed to Metallica and Iron Maiden graffiti- like drawings and he started wearing concert shirts all the time. I heard that Damien smoked marijuana, and he asked me the last time I saw him if I had any and I told him I don't do that. I heard that some devil worshippers meet under a bridge on Lehr Street. I have also heard of something called "knights of the lost relm," and under the bridge on Lehr Street I have seen graffiti that said something like "knights Rule," or something. Damien has never been over my house, but he could have visited Nikki Partoiss next door, she's 15 or 16 yrs. of age. I thought Damien used to live with Alea Teer in Belvedere Apts. After Alea met Damien, she changed her name to "Domini". I used to see Domini at Belvedere apts. last summer and half the time she would have Damien with her. Lirza(sp)McDaniels lives in Belvedere Apts. with a baby. I've seen Damien, Domini,

L.G. Hollingsworth, and Liza McDaniels talking a few times together. That was last summer. At the beginning of the school year I used to talk to Jason Baldwin all the time, and about 4 weeks before the incident in qulstio(sp) he just wouldn't socialize anymore, he just wouldn't say much. I haven't seen Jessie Misskelley in about a year and a half, but in the 8th & 9th grades at school he would always pick fights, and once he stood up and punched a teacher a few times in the jaw.

Tony Hodges

This statement was completed at 12:30P.M. on the 23 day of June 1993.

WITNESS: Michael W. Allen Signature of person giving voluntary statement Tony Hodges